Saturday, October 25, 2008

Halloween Costumes

Last week I took my kids to the Halloween store to look at over-priced, cheaply made costumes. My 13 year old son was drawn right away to the section with weapons, life-size Star Wars Fighters, and a Halo character. My tweenage daughter begged for a "Cheerless Leader" costume, which was a scary play on a cheerleader outfit. With an open tummy and fishnet stockings, it was scary in more ways than one to me. Fortunately, my youngest daughter was happy with the Countess costume we had purchased at at Toys R Us. (40% off - yea us!)

We left the store without purchasing anything because, well, I think I mentioned the over-priced, cheaply-made thing earlier. It's not that I have anything against spending money to have some fun, but isn't it a bit outrageous that way these outfits are priced? Every year around this time I wish I was one of those talented moms who have lots of fun ideas, know how to sew, and have time to make that perfect costume. But the reality is that is not me.

So.... we've got to come up with something else this weekend. Tweenage girl is probably going to have fun with a colored wig, black clothing and makeup. Still, we have to find black clothing. I've got no idea what my son will do - but I have a feeling it will be Star Wars related.

As for me, I will not be dressing up this year. I did it last year. I was a dirt bike rider. I dressed up in my husband's gear, complete with helmet and went my girls' school to participate in the classroom celebrations. It was also my designated day to be playground supervisor.

Usually there are a group of school moms who really get involved in the holiday and dress up. Usually I am not one of them. So I thought my girls would be excited that I had dressed up.
It turned out that this year, the other school moms did not dress up, which made me feel a little awkward. But that's okay I told myself, at least the girls will like it. But when my then 4th-grade daughter saw me, she shook her head and said, "Mom, did you have to?"

Fortunately, my 1st grader thought it was very fun. She is asking me to dress up again this year, but I'm going to pass.